Monthly Archives: August 2023




Black morning’s fresh

downcanyon breath

primes old flesh

to ride first light


as it breaks the ridge

like yesterday’s charge

easy and alive in my mind.

All the good horses gone,


I’m ready for a stranger

that can walk out,

hold a cow and wink

through loose tethers—


actually believing

it could be hours away.

Only this time

we’ll do it better.





                         … (I) don’t think hurricanes

                        like to follow predicted paths.

                                    –Brian Grant


The prognosticators have claimed

the climate spotlight—used science

to explain why we read poetry


when our dehydrated atmosphere

rains rivers and spawns hurricanes

while the earth is spinning faster than it should—


its fractious friction warming waters

to forge the passion of whales and otters

to object and retaliate.


Watching the weather map of Baja California,

new science is driving out a percentage

of the old that we believed was true.




I have cut myself away

from the entangled coils

of ship and state


drawn more to songs

among the cactus cuckoos

at first light of dawn—


tossed across the pasture

deep-throated news

I can depend on


while a lone quail hollers

to awaken coveys

like children for school.


But I still don’t trust

the cry-baby whines

of our arrogant Ring Neck’s.






















It sounds like MASH as helicopters fly over the house, back and forth to Lake Kaweah, to address 8 fires set this a.m. between 6:30 and 6:45.  All but a couple of fires in rough terrain are contained.  Three weeks ago we had 4 sets.  Every year we blade about 3 miles of firebreak between us and the road with our skid steers. Additionally fixed wing aircraft and a DC 10 jet, 2 dozers, and about 50 engines and water tenders are on the job as I write.

The spring rains brought good feed and fuel for fire that has attracted our society’s deranged, whether gang initiations or other odd and complex maladies.  Needless to say, we’ll keep our eyes peeled.



April calves load easy here

for unknown destinations

looking back to say goodbye


to someone lost

in the muddled moment’s

brain fog.


Old between brothers,

we remember stories

the other’s forgot—


a thrill on spry legs

to dance through time

as if young all over again.





Called too soon, persistence rooted

where peaceful dreams beneath their leaves

spilled downhill at dawn—a slow awakening


like death in reverse, never thinking

of other ways to pass the time. Weathered

skeletons of young Blue Oaks cling


to where their acorns fell to rest

before the wet and stormy springs

kept a chance of an idyllic life alive.


Truth is: no right or wrong of it—

no philosophy to make fit

what we’ll not need to understand.




Black backs

through summer light

across the road beside the creek


grazing green

upon a highwater sand bank

deposited by atmospheric rivers.


Black backs

of virgin children, our future

breathes in 105 heat.