Small Family Farms (February 15, 2012 post)

courtesy: Gary Nabhan

In the past decade or so, the combination of increased U.S. foreign imports, corporate outsourcing of jobs overseas and the rising price of crude petroleum has foreign interests holding huge amounts of U.S. dollars looking for vehicles in which to invest beyond the low yields of U.S. Treasury Notes that are subject to our deflating dollar as a result of several huge injections of cash, and debt, to bail-out the banks and brokerage houses due to aggressive and creative financing until late 2008.

These foreign interests, most armed with graduates from outstanding business schools across this country, invest on Wall Street and other world exchanges, looking for yields and opportunities other than holding-on to U.S. dollars. As capitalism prevails in a global economy that consists of multi-national corporations and shareholders, I wonder what percentage of these corporations are owned and influenced by these diverse foreign shareholders? Whatever the number, it’s more than ever before.

And how does this multi-national ownership influence the media, foods and services in this country? Long an advocate for the culture of small family farming and ranching to prolong our sense of independence, self-reliance and essential common sense, the trend towards corporate agriculture may not be in our national best interests. As neither foreign nor domestic politicians and investors value these intangibles more than money, the future of small agricultural operations is now under unprecedented pressure.

To acquiesce to the corporate control of our food and clothing subjugates us all, defies common sense, and does not bode well for the future. It is time to redraw the fuzzy political lines between Democrats and Republicans, between Socialist and Capitalist philosophies, to address the more important loss of our independence and freedom, and to re-instill a nationalistic sense of self-reliance. Increase your freedom and options by getting to know and supporting your local farmers.

'American Gothic' by Grant Wood courtesy of Wikipedia

From the session in Elko: ‘Agrarian Poetry: Why We Need Its Messages and Beauty Now, More Than Ever Before’

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