JULY 1, 2016


Outside in the shade, the two-speed fan
is like an oscillating blow torch
offering velocity to 110 degrees—

yellow pad and pencil, my red wine
warm as a tepid cup of tea,
I listen to Outlaw on Sirius wondering

if any of us can make a difference
to how the world shakes-out after
another summer of half-baked promises,

malevolent campaigns cooking-up
new recipes to wear upon
the ageless face of God.

Dawn cool through the screen door,
gold print upon my coffee cup:
MT. SENTINEL RANCH, 1898 – 1998

                                for Francis Gardner
                                       1942 -2016


Francis Gardner


4 responses to “JULY 1, 2016

  1. Beautiful (except for the 110 degrees)


  2. Hey–John and Robbin–70 degrees here today, and we’re on the Forest so you wouldn’t even have to work too hard!


  3. Beautiful, thank you John!!
    Hello and love to you and Robin from the Hertz Clan in Alberta.


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