July Garden 2015


We’re managing to keep up with garden production. Robbin has made several batches of pickles, some delicious dill, but mostly bread and butter pickles utilizing our new striped Armenians as well as our standard Armenians that are quite crunchy and striking in the same jar.





She also adds some red onions to her pickles as we thin our new onion/raspberry bed.





We are evolving to more container gardening, utilizing our many Rubbermaid water troughs that used to be guaranteed for life, but after three years the company reneged realizing that the plastic material couldn’t withstand the expansion and contraction with our weather nor the pressure of the cattle at water. They all leak.





Our old protein supplement tubs for the cattle make good containers as well.




It’s all about controlling the weeds. With weed cloth deteriorating in the sun, Robbin has tried to salvage a little more life out of it with a covering of decorative bark.




And then the peppers that we barbecue with almost everything, but especially compliment a piece of beef.





Indeed it is a lot of work, very little of which can I take credit.


9 responses to “July Garden 2015

  1. Love the raised beds and containers. The bark makes the glider and chairs look so inviting. “Come sit a spell with your morning coffee or evening beer”. Do you have misters incorporated with the shade cloth?
    I’m always impressed with Robbin’s green thumb and vision. Even her vegetables are decorative. Your place looks like the perfect country home.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow. Impressive. I am comin for dinner! I have taken old feed/water troughs with holes in them and planted bamboo here for privacy….


  3. what kind of peppers?


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